Eco house

eco-houseMaking your home an eco house can seem like a daunting challenge. However, the conversion is usually a gradual process, so prioritizing your needs is often the best way to start. There are several things you can do to begin the transfer to a more ecologically friendly home.

For most homeowners, converting to solar power or wind energy is the first step to creating an eco house. Once installed, a solar power system can save you a great deal of money. This money can be used to make other environmental upgrades to your home. You can find great deals on solar kits and home wind turbines online.

Installing water saving fixtures in your home is often a good idea when creating an eco house. Water is becoming a precious natural resource, and anything that can be done to conserve it, should be done. Switching to water conserving toilets and showerheads are a good way to start.

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Posted in Eco Friendly Tips.